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Notice Of Litigation To Party Answerable


To: [person answerable over]

[address of person answerable]

An action has been brought against the undersigned, [Name of defendant], of [address of defendant], [city of defendant], [state of defendant], in the Court of [Name of County] County, Docket No. [Docket Number], on a negotiable instrument on which the undersigned may be liable in the capacity of [Capacity of defendant]. This instrument was executed on [date], by [Name of instrument executioner]. The instrument promises to pay $[Amount to pay] Dollars on or before [date to pay], to the order of [Name of payee], of [address of payee], [city of payee], [state of payee]. You are liable on this instrument in the capacity of [Capacity of payee], and you are also liable over to the undersigned if the undersigned is held liable in this action.

Please take notice that the undersigned demands that you appear and defend this action against [him or her]. If you do not do so within days from the receipt of this notice, which notice has been sent to you by registered or certified mail, with postage prepaid and return receipt requested, you will be bound in any action that the undersigned may hereafter bring against you with regard to any determination of facts common to the two litigations.

Dated: [Date of agreement]
